• Authentic Learning - learning from real world problems and questions
• Mental Model Building - using physical and virtual models to refine understanding
• Internal Motivation - identifying and employing positive emotional connections in learning
• Multi - Modal Learning - applying multiple learning methods for diverse learning styles
• Social Learning - using the power of social interaction to improve learning impact
A particularly effective learning method that incorporates these principles are group learning projects driven by an engaging, real-world questions or problems. These inquiry- and design-based, collaborative learning projects are a powerful learning method especially suited for building the essential 21st century skills-and-knowledge listed in the rainbow model above. Students in well-designed and managed learning projects often produce artifacts (reports, models, simulations, presentations, inventions, videos, etc.) that can be evaluated for both understanding of content knowledge and the proficiency level of a range of 21st century skills. Students’ collections of projects, often placed in structured electronic portfolios, can provide rich evidence for increasing competence and achievement over time.
Achieving a new balance of learning practice that supports an expanded set of learning goals and a broader definition of student success is a significant challenge to often change-resistant educational systems around the world. The interlocking support systems of education - standards, assessments, curriculum and instruction, professional development and learning environments - all have to shift together to provide a solid infrastructure for 21st century learning.
Schools, districts, provinces and entire national education systems are successfully moving toward a 21st century learning model, motivated by the need for an educated workforce and citizenry capable of meeting the challenges and opportunities of the 21st century.
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